AVG secure printing

General Data Protection Regulation

Since 25 May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been in effect. This means that the same privacy legislation applies throughout the European Union (EU). The Personal Data Protection Act (Wbp) no longer applies.

More information about this can be found at:


This legislation stipulates, among other things, that you cannot simply send data from private individuals to a copy shop to, for example, have a mailing prepared.

Submitting an address file via email or wetransfer is not allowed. This must be done via a secure connection via a European server.

In doing so, the copy shop, as processor, must enter into a processing agreement with the provider of the files.

AVG secure printing

CopyShop Den Haag has arranged everything to deliver files with personal data completely according to the law. In broad terms this means:

  • If processor we will enter into a processing agreement with you.


    • You can send your files via a secure connection European server to us. We also have a processing agreement with our service provider.

      • All employees have signed a confidentiality agreement.

        • Files are destroyed immediately after the service is performed.

          • In the event of a data breach, we will report this to the authorities.

Who is GDPR secure printing important for?

For anyone who provides personal data for processing in any way.

For example, consider:

  • Law firms (court documents/productions with personal data)
  • Medical companies/general practitioners/dentists (flu shot mailing)
  • Associations (sending association newsletters to members)

Would you like to know more about AVG secure printing or would you like to enter into a processing agreement with CopyShop Den Haag?
Please contact Jeroen van der Starre, 070-3861199, offerte@copyshopdenhaag.nl

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